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The Rebel Spirit (Full Episode) | The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman's quest to learn what makes a rebellion successful brings him face-to-face with exile ...View More

The Power of Us | The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman (Full Episode)

Morgan Freeman meets Bill Clinton to find out — can we share power so everyone has a say? Enjoy a fr ...View More

Creation (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman travels the globe to ask: Where did we come from, and what happened “in the beginning ...View More

The Fight for Peace (Full Episode) | The Story of Us

Is peace merely the absence of war? Morgan Freeman investigates physical barriers and our fear of de ...View More

Who is God? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman begins a quest to discover who God is and how he, she or they have evolved over human ...View More

Why Does Evil Exist? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

Where does evil come from? Morgan sets out to understand the root of evil and how our ideas of it ha ...View More

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